Monthly discussions and interaction – Closing ceremony of painting exhibition
शिल्पीका पुर्व विद्यार्थीहरूको आयोजनामा हुने गरेको मासिक छलफल तथा अन्तर्क्रियामा यसपटक प्रशिद्ध कलाकार किरण मानन्धरसँग कुराकानी भयो साथै अभिमञ्च
आर्ट ग्यालरीमा ११ जना कलाकारहरूको २ हप्ते कला प्रदर्शनीको औपचारिक समापन कार्यक्रम पनि सम्पन्न भयो । अभिमन्च आर्ट ग्यालरी , शिल्पी थिएटर, बत्तीसपुतली ।
Paintings Exhibition (From January 15 to January 30, 2020) The Abhimanch at Shilpee Theatre has been converted as the “Abhimanch Art Gallery” for the period of Jan 15-30, 2020 by exhibiting paintings by 11 young artists. On the inauguration day, 15 young artists created 15 paintings on their canvas. We thank everyone who attended the event. We give our special thanks to the curator and organizer MS Jaya Sharma. We welcome you all to visit the gallery till Jan 30. For those interested, the paintings are open for sale too.